5 ways meditation can change your life

Sachin Pratap Singh
4 min readJul 18, 2020

Everyone goes through life changing experiences. A great teacher who guided you in classroom or an advice from a grandparent that you remember even after many years or a timely help by a stranger that saved you from a calamity or even supportive words from a friend or parent that lifted your spirits.

These are treasured moments whose remembrance keeps your inspired. It keeps guiding you even after many years.

Similarly meditation can bring life changing experiences which can keep guiding you throughout your life.

This is how meditation can be life changing

Help find purpose

Finding true purpose is not an easy task. Many successful people advocate that you must find yours. But the path to finding it is not straight forward and easy.

There are many misdirections. Many times just because some one tells you something, and because you like that person, you tend to think that you have found your true purpose. Only to find in time — that was not it.

Meditation helps you explore your truth at experiential level. It defends you from swaying ideas that can take you on a trip only to make you feel lost.

Meditation brings in a feeling of grounding within your self. Such grounding helps you discover your true purpose faster. You are able to cut through the noise easily. It keeps you inspired to find your true north.

Get rid of wasteful emotions

Nobody needs to be trained on gathering wasteful emotions. Someone else’s anger sticks on to you. Even an emotion enacted by a protagonist on a TV show or a movie can cloud your thinking for hours or days.

A feeling of revenge towards someone who cut your path long back, boils your blood even today. That’s why they say never hate anyone. Because hate for even a singe person can keep you away from love of thousand.

But the mind automatically tends to cling onto these negative emotions.

Meditation helps you de-cling your mind from these negative emotions. It helps you shed these feelings immediately.

It brings you back to the normal mind. Remove the cloud of uneasiness and repeated pain & lethargy inflicted by negative emotions.

Revitalizes your mental energy

Stress tires your mind. Stress can be because of wasteful emotions or due to too many things to do with very little time at hand.

When mental energy is expended, cluttered, low or restricted, it clouds normal thinking. It hampers your ability to make good decisions.

Make decisions with a stressed mind, and you will get sucked into a bigger stress.

When mental energy is expended, it is better to take a pillow and sleep rather than take important decision.

But many a times, the added anxiety does not let you relax. So you feel stuck.

Meditation evaporates anxiety. After a good meditation, once your anxiety goes away, your mind automatically craves for relaxation. That’s why many people report that after a nice meditation they slept like a baby. This is a good sign.

Once anxiety is gone, regular practice of meditation provides you the required vitality and relaxation both at the same time.

Keeps you away from psychosomatic diseases

Scientists have linked many physical diseases to stress. This includes breathing disorders, allergies, stomach disorders and even cancer.

Long back when I started meditating, I realized that it was curing my 7 years long sinusitis problem. With continuous meditation and breathing exercises practice, I was able to get rid of it for once and for all. This was a big relief for me in my life.

Depression is another common psychosomatic disorder which can lead to a lot of mental and physical agony.

Regular practice of meditation can solve depression & insomnia. This has been reported by many people who have undergone meditation workshops. They start feeling happier about themselves. They sleep well. And with regular practice they are able to make changes in their lives confidently.

Helps appreciate life

Experiences in life mature the mind. As you get more experienced you start appreciating things better. Sometimes you have to go through bad experiences again and again to start seeing things in right perspective.

Sometimes even after lot of experiences, clarity about things does not dawn. It can irritate you and make your feel like you are losing out in life.

Meditation makes it easy for knowledge of life and life experiences to make a positive impact on you. Meditation gives you depth to understand your emotions making it easy to learn from your life experiences.

Small events start making big positive impact.

Bad experiences reduce because you start imbibing life lessons fast. Meditation removes harshness and irritation.

You start gaining a wholesome outlook.You naturally start becoming compassionate towards yourself and others.


With regular practice of meditation you feel guidance coming to you from many directions. Your overall well being improves.

It is a transformative power.

So practice it regularly. Treat it like a nice hot water bath for your mind & soul. You will feel fresh and relaxed every time you do it.

It is a good idea to learn meditation from an experienced teacher. This way you have any early guidance. And then with regular practice you can easily take-off on your own.



Sachin Pratap Singh

Technologist | Writer | Interests include Meditation, Coding, Psychology, Music, Videos & Design