My Work, Your Window & Nature’s Plan

Sachin Pratap Singh
4 min readSep 17, 2021


I looked out of the window at 11am. It was raining. Then at 12 noon, I looked again, it was raining still. For past one hour I was engrossed in my work. And for around the same time neighbor’s dog had been barking relentlessly. As I put my laptop aside, I realized all 3 of us had been busy. Nature, me and the dog.

Nature’s work was destined to be. While Google did predict that it was going to rain in the morning, they had missed the mark by an hour. It was destined to rain whenever it was destined to rain. Not sooner, not later.

The dog’s work was more of a natural reaction to the nature’s work. The poor thing couldn’t have done anything more or less.

The only work that was neither destined nor a natural reaction to what was going around in the world, was my work. I could have done more. I could have done less. I could have nothing at all. I could have done something else. I had a choice.

But I planned to work from 11 to 12.

I doubt if nature came up with a plan to rain that morning.

Was nature mumbling to herself, “Look I am going to rain from 11am onwards. I might start by 11:15am, if I am late. But definitely before 11:30am. I still don’t have schedule till when I am going to continue to rain. It could be one hour. Mostly.”?

Nature doesn’t know her plans like that.

The neighbor’s dog also didn’t know its plan that way. It could have gotten tired or distracted in between its barking spell. Or, it could have just continued barking. May be it would have quietened down if it had found a warm place to hide under the bed.

But both of them did not have any sense of time, choice and planning like I did.

I had planned my 1 hour worth of work. It had to be done between 11am and 12 noon. And I did it with that schedule.

I knew my schedule. I was going with a preplanned timing. A planned work. Not a random destined work.

Someone could have been looking at all 3 of us from their window — peeping at me through my 4th floor window, watching the dog through my neighbor’s 3rd floor balcony and gazing at the rain in between and all around.

What would this new person, let’s call him the onlooker, see?

The onlooker would find that all 3 of us were destined to be doing what we were doing.

For the on-looker my work was as destined as the nature’s work.

The onlooker didn’t know about my freewill or my plan.

Everything he was looking at was outside him. So it was destined. Only choice that he knew existed at that point was his own.

And when I looked at the onlooker, looking out of his window, for me he was as destined to be looking outside from his window as the nature was to rain and the dog to bark.

Oh I recognized the onlooker. He was my friend.

I waved at him. And he waved back. He shouted “what were you doing?”.

I shouted back, “I had this planned work from 11am to 12noon”.

Now the onlooker friend of mine knew that my work was intentional & planned and not destined.

But, the dog’s and nature’s work were still the same for him, as something destined to be. Without any plan.

Why is nature’s work destined?

Is it that nature and the dog cannot tell us their plans, so their work is destined? But otherwise they do have a plan?

Or, is it they actually do not have any plan?

How come my work was no more falling in the category of destined work for the onlooker?

What if we as onlookers all had plans in our head but we could not tell them to each other? Then we would be peeking into each other’s destiny through our windows.

The only plan we would know of would be in our mind.

But, how would these plans get in our heads in the first place? Would that be destined?

The thing is all of us communicate. This creates more plans in our heads. But nature is totally unaffected by our plans.

Tomorrow Google might be able to predict the rain with a 1 minute gap. Then it might seem like we are getting closer to knowing nature’s plan.

What if it was nature’s plan all the way to make us make plans? And get closer to guessing her plans?

Whether we can say that for sure or not, she will always have the last laugh. It is destined to be.



Sachin Pratap Singh
Sachin Pratap Singh

Written by Sachin Pratap Singh

Technologist | Writer | Interests include Meditation, Coding, Psychology, Music, Videos & Design

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